Halloween is just around the corner and everyone is getting excited about dressing up, trick or treating and hanging out with friends. My friends think its lame to go trick or treating because we are in high school now. HA yeah right trick or treating is the best part of the fall season. I am going to be the person who goes trick or treating until they are an adult, and then has kids so they can go trick or treating with them. I love dressing up. I am being a witch this year, which isn’t original at all. I have a black poncho type thing with silver spider webs on it and a big spider on the shoulder. I am going to wear fish net stockings and black shirt with black shoes. It has a silver hat to match, with black feathers and silver streamers. Every year I try to be something different. But this year I didn’t have enough time to plan out my costume.
The candy you get at Halloween is so good. It lasts me almost a whole year, so I have a supply of candy (that was free) for a whole year. I hate candy that has Carmel in it. Carmel is the worst type of sugar there is. Anything with Carmel in it I refuse to eat. My brother and I go trick or treating with different groups of people, but at the end of the night we dump out our bags of candy and then trade, so that we get only the candy we like. I love candy with peanut butter and chocolate. M&M’s with peanuts are the best.
The cutest part of Halloween is the tiny children dressed up because they always look so adorable. They always look so cozy if their big puffy outfits, and by time they grow up they will look back and think they looked like retards. When I am handing out candy I always give them extra pieces because they are super cute, even though they probably don’t need it.
My friend is having a party on Halloween for the people who aren’t trick or treating. My friend and I don’t want to miss out because you only get to trick or treat one time a year, so we are going to go trick or treating and then head over to her party. Everyone there is going to be dressed up, just like the Halloween parties we used to have in elementary school. I am excited to go trick or treating this year!