A is for apple. I always have an apple everyday at lunch. My favorite kind is Fuji apples because they are juicy and sweet.
B is for bowling. I love bowling with my family. I am so bad at it because I can never focus on just the game. I never bowl over a 100.
C is for Christmas. Every Christmas I always decorate the house, because I love decorating. No one else in the house is allowed to help. Almost everything in the house gets decorated. I spend about a week decorating.
D is for dance. I have been dancing for six years including ballet, jazz and hip hop. Dancing is one of my main hobbies.
E is for enthusiastic. Everything is always more enthusiastic when I talk about it.
F is for friendly, because I am friendly it easy for me to make friends.
G is for German. German is a language I speak. I am not very good at speaking it yet. I have been learning it for two years.
H is for hockey. It’s one of my favorite sports. I watch it regularly every season.
I is for Irish. It is one of my main heritages.
J is for jog. I go for a jog every day.
K is for kite. When I was little my dad took me to fly kites during spring break.
L is for language. Last year I began learning a new language, German.
M is for music. I am always listening to music.
N is for nice. I try to be the nicest I can be.
O is for outgoing. I am not always outgoing but when I have the opportunity to be I am.
P is for positive. I always try to stay positive, even in bad circumstances.
Q is for quilting. Every year my Grandma quilts me a new blanket for Christmas.
R is for
S is for smart. I try to pick up concepts fast, and try to do my best at learning new things.
T is for trustworthy. If someone tells me something they can trust that I won't tell anyone.
U is for United States of America. The country I live in.
V is for vacation. I go on vacation every year, Up North.
W is for William. I love my twin brother Will.
X is for xylophone. In 5th grade I played the xylophone.
Y is for yelling. To get out my anger I always yell.
Z is for zipper. I always play with my zippers on my sweatshirts.
I just learned that you spoke Germen and that you have a twin brother !!! Nah i knew that days ago. Love the m one for music same with me music all time .