I would like to be an Australian native during colonization, where the British settled many places around the world. When they settled in Australia, they didn't plan on doing much harm to the Aborigines, they just needed to use some land for prisoners. They had good intentions until the Aborigines started fighting for their land. Considering the natives from other countries the Aborigines seemed like they were the least mistreated.
In the South African colonization the British first settled for land, but later found out that South Africa had tons of diamonds and gold. The British kept getting in wars with the South African tribes thinking that this would make the African tribes give the British the land and minerals. The British treated the South Africans badly just so they could acquire the items they wanted. When the British settled in North America, the British were nice at first, but then became nasty. They forced the Native Americans to move west so they could stay in the east and create a new government. Even though after fighting for their land the Aborigines civilization was destroyed and many diseases were spread, I would still rather be an Australian native.
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